The key to be blessed is the willingness to be a blessing.We should have a goal everyday to do at least one good thing for everyone else.You can't be good to everyone but you need to be good to the people God has put in your life.You don't have to do something so big in order to bless someone,even small acts of kindness can,for example give a compliment, lift, tip,share with the hungry and many more.
Always remember that if you help make someone's dream come to pass,God will always make your dream come true, as well.
It's not about how can I get blessed but how can I be a blessing,not what can I get but what can I give,not what can you do for me but what can I do for you.
- Our ministry is to be good to people.
- If you'd make someone's day,God will always make your day.
- Greatest joy is in giving not in getting.
Scripture says;give and your gifts will come back to you running over/multiplied.
Also being good to people is contagious,it encourages others to do the same. For example when you give someone a compliment,it makes them happy and encourages them to please others.
You don't have to be well off to give,being good to people in your time of need is the most powerful thing to do.
Bible verses
Galatians 6:10 :When we have the opportunity to do good to anyone,we should do it.But we should do it.But we should give special attention to those who are in the family of believers.
Proverbs 11:17: People who are kind will be rewarded for their kindness,but cruel people will be rewarded with trouble.
(Easy to Read Version)
Message from one of Joel Osteen's sermons.
Watch full sermon here
Enjoy the rest of your day and have a blessed new week.