


"The  only person that is ready for a change is a wet baby",said Joel Osteen. I'm so inspired by his sermons that choosing which one to share is hard for me sometimes.His messages are so powerful that I could relate to almost each of his sermons.I wonder if he ever runs out of topics!

We usually don't like change because we are usually comfortable where we are.We often get stuck into what God used to do instead of moving into what God is about to do.We should always remember that God works in seasons,what worked five years ago may not work today.

If one needs to be successful,one ought to be open to change .Always stay open to advice,suggestions especially those from family members,because these people love us and are very significant in our lives.These are people that God placed directly into our lives.

Often.we get used to temporary provision,the good news is that God loves us to keep us just there.He has got an abundance of blessings for us.

You may also like :Understanding your value


  • A minor adjustment leads to a major improvement.
  • If you don't get rid of your old friends,you will never meet the right ones.
  • If something seems more than a burden than a blessing,that is a sign that God has something better for you in future.
  • God will take certain things away because He's creating space for what He has in stock for you.
  • What was meant for your harm,God will use for your opportunity.
Watch full sermon here

A blessed Sunday to you all.




Hello there! Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend.I'm a big fan of Joel Osteen (preacher) and his sermons.I could spend the whole day listening to him without getting distracted.The previous sermon I listened to was so powerful and I would like to share it with you.

Your mind will tell you all the time,"It's late,you're not going to make it,you have failed",but it's not over,God makes the final decision.
The doctor's report can say,"you will never be healed",God has a different report.

God has not brought you this far to abandon you.Just because you don't see a way doesn't mean there's no way.He is about to breath new life into your dreams,health,relationship and life.
If you are still sick,it's not over,God has set health on your way.Start believing,expecting and dreaming again.

You may not be able to beat the competition ,God may remove the competition.He has all ways to take you to destiny.All set backs are not meant to defeat us,they are to promote us.

Always remember that you are full of resurrection power and no obstacle is too large for you.No matter what happens in your life,have this attitude;it's not over.

Have a great Sunday and week a head.Xo

Watch full sermon here




Just like detoxing a body;ridding one's body of all toxins and waste,one needs to cleanse up their mind of all worrying thoughts,thinking what you can't do,what you've failed to achieve. These toxic thoughts contaminate our lives and affect our confidence,self esteem and attitude.

Just like in proverbs 4:23 (above all,be careful what you think because your thoughts control your life),those negative thoughts become strongholds that poison our future.

How to get rid of negative thoughts.

  • Make a decision you are not going to dwell on negative pasts anymore.For example,I missed so many good opportunities,condemnation,bitterness.
  • Keep your mind with thoughts of victory and faith.
  • Always remember what God blesses,no man an curse,before any man put a curse on you,God had put a blessing on you before.You are not what people say,you are what God says.
Have a blessed Sunday.

Inspiration from one of Joel Osteen's sermons.
Watch full sermon here




Deep down we need to know that we are important,that our life matters and that we have something great to offer.So often we base our sense of value on our looks,what we've achieved,occupation;which reduce our sense of worth because sometimes these aspects make us feel we are not good enough!

And so many times we base our value on how someone treats us and how they make us feel, and when they hurt or disappoint us,we turn the blame to ourselves.This is because we are getting our self worth from the wrong places.

Our value should come solely from the fact that we are children of the most high God.The value that God put in us is permanent.Nothing that we do or anyone does can or will ever change that value.

Someone might have hurt you;don't internalize it because you aren't the problem,they are.The good news is that they might have rejected you but God accepts you.He has already approved you.

Base your sense of value on what God says about you.He looks at us like his great masterpieces and to him we are each uniquely special.

Always remember,the one thing that creates value is who the owner is.Remember that you are so valuable because of who your owner is-God.The greatest enemy of value is rejection.Accept yourself,know your attached value because you were wonderfully created.

Great inspiration from one of Joel Osteen's sermons.

Watch full sermon here.

Happy new month.Xo